Welcome to my new project… Mycomicon.com.
Why create a pop culture social media web site? We already have Facebook right? Well the reasons to me are...Welcome to my new project… Mycomicon.com.
Why create a pop culture social media web site? We already have Facebook right? Well the reasons to me are simple really.
With all that is happening right now with the COVID-19 pandemic, shelter in place, the forced closing of over 90% of comic bookstores and conventions we need this.
We need a place that is free of political rants, and all the outside noise; we need a place that allows us to focus OUR COMMUNITY.
We must have a place to support, communicate, promote and sell comics, games, toys and all the other things that we hold so dear.
We need a place that ALL fans can come to and gather a place where the message is crystal clear…we WANT the comics, games, and collectibles industry to survive.
I order to give us this place I set up MYCOMICON.COM as a “pop culture” social media site. It’s layout and functionality are very similar and familiar to Facebooks. You can do all the things here you could do there; except here you have focus. You can create your own personal pages, pages for your business, you can showcase your art and products. We can create groups, business pages and schedule events.
There will be more rolled out over the next few weeks as we build out the main website. It is a work in progress now. I felt the urgency was to establish the social network first. We plan to offer virtual conventions and more.
So If you are reading this please set up an account, start a group, make a page for yourself/business and share this link below. Let’s gather our fellow brother and sister geeks and get through this time together. This community is here for everyone who loves comics, games, collectibles and all things geek!
Brent E. Erwin
Administrator, MYCOMICON.COM
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