Blue Moon Comics
This page is dedicated to comics being produced by Lloyd (The Groovy Agent) Smith's Blue Moon Comics. After years of blogging with Diversions of the...
Thanks for joining my page, Blake and Michael!
Brent Erwin
Guys, be sure and order some of Lloyd's books he is a great talent and they are just down right fun!
5 years ago
Lloyd Smith
Thanks, Brent!
5 years ago
Lloyd Smith
Thanks! I'm pretty proud of it. I hope folks will give it a try. We have a lot of cool comics we want everyone to enjoy!
5 years ago
- This page is dedicated to comics being produced by Lloyd (The Groovy Agent) Smith's Blue Moon Comics. After years of blogging with Diversions of the Groovy Kind and writing comics for other publishers, Lloyd has brought back his old Indie company Blue Moon Comics to make brand comics featuring a variety of classic comicbook genres. Our flagship title is an anthology called (what else?) Diversions!
Comic Book Creators -
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 -
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Lloyd Smith